BENTO (Spiegel)
Diese Frau ist Programmiererin. Hier erzählt sie, warum ihr all die Vorurteile egal sind
(translation: This woman is a programmer. Here she tells why all of the prejudices don't matter to her.)
December 2017
Clue, Helloclue.com Launch
Clue, Store Model, https://store.helloclue.com/
Clue, Meet Clue: Omosola
#HiddenTechHeroes, Personal Twitter Campaign
#HiddenTechHeroes, Video
The Muse, Shopify
The Muse, 15 Companies With Missions That Will Inspire You Every Day at Work
Chegg, What interning at Chegg is all about
The Stanford Daily, Bridging the Techie Fuzzie Divide