Stanford Fireside
Part of Alumni Speaker Series
Moderated by Computer Science Dept. Lecturer Julie Stanford
Spoke primarily to current undergraduate and graduate students from the School of Engineering about my background, experiences, and perspectives
Stanford, CA. May 2023.
[cs, careers, engineering]
Photo courtesy of: Stanford
CS106S: Coding for Social Good
Spoke on panel: CS + Social Good Speaker Panel
Discussing our careers and ways that we have combined Computer Science with socially-minded, socially-beneficial work.
Stanford, CA. March 2022.
[cs, careers, engineering]
CodeMotion Online
Building Performing Teams Panel 2: The Multiple Faces of Tech Leadership
Discussing how responsibilities are shaped and evolve for tech leadership roles, how they cascade within the org, and how the need for roles emerge.
Online. July 2020.
[leadership, management, scaling, growth, adapting]
HIVE Ventures Tech Summit
Spoke on panel: The AHA! Moment and Getting to Product Market Fit
Yerevan, Armenia. October 2019.
[engineering, product, product market fit, startups]
Photo: courtesy of Hive Ventures
ROCHE Company IT Conference
Fantastic Data and Where to Find Them: The Importance of Knowing What (and Who) Is Missing
Audience - ~ 600 Roche Solution Centre employees
Talk referenced by all execs as one of their favorite parts of the conference during final recaps on stage.
Warsaw, Poland. April 2019.
[ml, data, bias, tech, data science, eng]
Photo: courtesy of Roche
Fantastic Data and Where to Find Them: The Importance of Knowing What (and Who) Is Missing.
Code4Life - Roche external IT conference
Warsaw, Poland. April 2019.
[ml, data, bias, tech, data science, eng]
Photo: courtesy of Code4Life (Roche)
Fantastic Data and Where to Find Them: The Importance of Knowing What (and Who) Is Missing
Rome, Italy. March 2019.
[ml, data, bias, tech, data science, eng]
Photo: courtesy of CodeMotion
Fantastic Data and Where to Find Them: The Importance of Knowing What (and Who) Is Missing
Berlin, Germany. November 2018.
[ml, data, bias, tech]
Photo: courtesy of CodeMotion
CTO Panel
Event organized by Codemotion. Spoke as CTO (interim) of LegalOS alongside Thomas Holl (Babbel, CTO) and Alessandro Cinelli (DAZN, Engineering Manager) to full room of CTOs, Tech Leads, and Engineering Managers
Berlin, Germany. November 2018.
[cto, management, startups, tech]
Photo: courtesy of CodeMotion
Re:publica - AI and Ethics
Event organized by re:publica and hosted at the German Foreign Federal Office as part of the Long Night of Ideas.
Ask Me Anything: AI & Ethics
Berlin, Germany. May 2018.
[ai, ml, ethics]
Photo: courtesy of re:publica
Ada Lovelace FESTIVAL
Intro to Machine Learning Workshop, Co-led with Marija Vlajic
Berlin, Germany. 2017.
[ml, data, teaching]
Photo: courtesy of attendee
Beyond the code
Diversity in Tech Panel.
Toronto, Canada. 2015.
[diversity, inclusion, tech]
Photo: courtesy of BeyondTheCode
GRACE Hopper
Excelling Without Exams: Succeeding as a New Grad
Moderator & Organizer. Selected out of 1000s of applicants to present at the Grace Hopper Celebration 2015
Houston, TX. October 2015.
[career, professional development]
Photo: private
Loving Your Job and Why It (Actually) Matters
Toronto, Canada. 2015.
[career, professional development]
Photo: from same talk given at RailsGirlsTO 2015 event, courtesy of venue
Lightning Talk at Shopify about Personal #HiddenTechHeroes Twitter campaign
Unearthing looked-over foundational and impactful women/People of Color in tech, including creator of first compiler; holder of 3 of 9 original IBM patents; early 3D technologist/pioneer; developer of OS for world's first PCs; creator of Adobe AfterEffects, Shockwave, and Flash, etc
Ottawa, Canada. 2015.
Slides w/o Notes
[history, cs, inspiration]
Photo: private
CODE University, Intro to Machine Learning Workshop, 2018
RailsGirlsTO, Loving What You Do and Why It Matters, 2015
Shopify Winternship Event, Machine Learning for Beginners, 2015
American Association of University Women, Luncheon Speaker, 2014
ECSPlore at Stanford, Speaker, 2014
She++ Conference, Women in Tech Panel, 2014
Photo: courtesy of Shopify (Winternship Event)